Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Professional Book Response 1

Chapter 1

“Adolescents on the Edge” begins by highlighting the need for a classroom community. To create a strong, trust-based community within a classroom, it all boils down to looking to the students. The classroom environment should reflect their ideas and principles. For example, have students create a class chart outlining how to go about having an appropriate classroom discussion. In addition, students have to have common goals. Baca and Lent provide a few helpful suggestions, which include having students read their creative writing to younger students, helping them form book clubs, and getting them involved in community service projects that relate to what they are doing in the classroom. I love their suggestion of relating reading and writing projects to community service projects. It is involving kids in the classroom community and in their broader communities.

Golden Lines
“Students’ heads must be up and they must be actively involved in their communities, including communities created in school.” (P. 4)

Have students apply their writing to their world
Find ways to tailor the classroom to their needs

Chapter 2

The authors then move on to discussing how to help motivate and engage students. A standout is the example of a teacher showing students her “reading mind.” In this exercise, the teacher read aloud from the text and then shared her thought process out loud. This helps demonstrate to students how to process what they read, especially if they are striving readers. I liked that the authors laid the example out in a detailed fashion. I could see myself referencing it easily in the future. Another method of engagement comes from purposeful activities. One student shared how she would find herself reading an article on the internet and then researching aspects of it after, just for her own enjoyment. Another example shared was of high-risk students becoming engaged in reading in retirement homes after school because it had a purpose. To further engage students, teachers need to show them how to talk about their ideas and exchange feedback. This will create a more open environment that is conducive to discussions.

Golden Lines
“Adolescents will engage in literacy when they find it purposeful.” (P. 21)
“The words ‘nonthreatening, no strings attached, no penalty’ all confirm the importance of allowing students to try on learning as you couch from the sidelines, not offering false praise, of course, but constructive, honest feedback that shows students that you care about their progress and that you can be trusted to support them even when they are not ‘getting it.’” (P. 23)

Have students adjust a writing assignment to fit their interests
Provide opportunities for honest feedback where no grades are involved

Super fun poem creator that let’s kids use their own interests as inspiration: http://www.pongoteenwriting.org/introduction-to-writing-activities.html

How cohesive would our classroom be, discussion-wise, if all the students were doing slightly different assignments at the same time?

How likely is it that I could lead my class into a community service project related to our reading re: time and expenses?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


One of my favorite things about where I live is how much nature there is. I love cities, but I need to see some green every now and then. 

About ten minutes from my house is a wetlands preserve. It has birds, alligators, deer, pigs, otters, and so many more animals roaming all around it. My boyfriend came down to visit this past weekend and he had never been there, so we decided it was a must-visit for this trip.

We went around 6:30 PM, which is when more animals are active. The sky was rosy that evening, and everything had this pink/lavender tint to it.

Next was a drive down a well-worn road that runs adjacent to the river. It has two standout characteristics: wild peacocks roam there and one of the residents has an alpaca farm. We could only see the alpacas from the street, and they were in the back lying under their hut. Trust, they're super cute when they're frolicking in their (gated) yard. However, the peacocks were out in full force.

After that, we were tired of driving and headed back to my house. There we were greeted by this huge opossum that likes to eat from the bird feeder. I think he's cute, but he drive our dog, Callie, crazy. She barks, barks, and barks, but he's not afraid.

Overall, that was a good, animal-filled day. I hope that wherever I move to next will have that kind of excitement. I would miss seeing these guys every day!